Nirvana - Live at the Paramount (2 Plak)

1.400,00 TL
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24 Ay
* 132,02 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!
Eser Listesi
LP: 1
1. Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam (Live At The Paramount/1991)
2. Aneurysm (Live At The Paramount/1991)
3. Drain You (Live At The Paramount/1991/Kunkel Mix)
4. School (Live At The Paramount/1991)
5. Floyd The Barber (Live At The Paramount/1991)
6. Smells Like Teen Spirit (Live At The Paramount/1991)
7. About A Girl (Live At The Paramount/1991)
8. Polly (Live At The Paramount/1991)
9. Breed (Live At The Paramount/1991)
10. Sliver (Live At The Paramount/1991)
LP: 2
1. Love Buzz (Live At The Paramount/1991)
2. Lithium (Live At The Paramount/1991)
3. Been A Son (Live At The Paramount/1991)
4. Negative Creep (Live At The Paramount/1991)
5. On A Plain (Live At The Paramount/1991)
6. Blew (Live At The Paramount/1991)
7. Rape Me (Live At The Paramount/1991)
8. Territorial Pissings (Live At The Paramount/1991)
9. Endless, Nameless (Live At The Paramount/1991)
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Nirvana - Live at the Paramount (2 Plak) Nirvana - Live at the Paramount (2 Plak) 01598 Nirvana - Live at the Paramount (2 Plak)

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